Hubitat does not have a native driver for ZW175 Smart Switch 7 (Type F plug), you can install the driver listed in the BitBucket link (which you can find here if you already know what you're doing: ) to make full use of your ZW175-C in Hubitat. 

Special thanks to Dmytro Rozovyk for creating the code for this driver. 

Install necessary Library.

  1. You'll now need to install multiple libraries to allow ZW175 to work, there are 6 libraries required to be installed for ZW175-C driver to work:

  2. Go to: 
    • Click on "Libraries"
    • Find the 6 libraries and open them into 6 different tabs.
  3. Install the Libraries into Hubitat: 
    • Open your Hubitat interface (or if you can get a local connection, you can click here: http://hubitat.local/)
    • Click on "Libraries code"
    • Tap "+ New Library"
    • Copy and paste the code of one of the 6 libraries From step 2.
    • Click Save
    • Repeat this step until you have all 6 libraries installed.
  4. Ensure you have all 6 libraries installed before you try to install the driver, it should look like this:

Install ZW175 Driver Steps. 

  1. Open your Hubitat interface (or if you can get a local connection, you can click here: http://hubitat.local/)
  2. Click on Driver Code in the lefthand menu:
  3. Click on +New Driver
  4. Copy the ZW175 driver from: 
    • Click "Drivers" folder
    • Click "Aeotec" folder
    • Select SmartSwitch7(F-Plug).groovy
    • Click on More Options icon at the top right
    • Select "Open Raw"
    • Copy all lines of code
      • Windows PC
        • CTRL + a //Highlight or select all
        • CTRL +c //copy highlightedor selected

  5. (Go back to Hubitat Interface where the empty code box present) - Paste the code into the empty code box and click Save.

  6. Pair your Smart Switch 7 Plug F if you have not done so already (it should use this driver automatically).

    If you already did pair your Smart Switch 7, you can manually change the driver accordingly following the steps below.
    1. Click Devices
    2. Select the Smart Switch 7 Plug F in the list of connected devices.
    3. Go to "Device Information" and click on the drop-down list under "Type *" and scroll almost all the way down where your custom drivers are located. (Everything is listed in alphabetical order, but the custom drivers will appear at the bottom of the standard drivers).
    4. Then click "Save Device"